Call to Action

Art Would is looking for donations to start a Not for Profit organization and funding for outreach programs in the arts. This aims to help solve community issues in Southern California and beyond to offer hope creatively. Let’s see what Art Would do in creating a better quality of life for those most in need. If you are interested in helping please contact Art Would.

Artists’ are considered an under severed and underprivileged population, there is also a homelessness crisis that includes many talented artists with mental health impairments.

Art Would is the beginning of a grassroots movement and has a mission to encourage the good in people through creativity, art-making, and community involvement. With the family values of kindness, creativity, compassion, integrity, and community service at the center in this new vessel of commitment to help others envision how the art would affect their life and their community around them.

Stay tuned for projects and how you can help.

Thank you <3