Brave as I Can Be

“This poem I wrote learning to love again as I was beginning to feel the stir of something special with someone I have now been with for sometime, our love only grows deeper, I am blessed to have these feelings in my life”
(Rebecca Wood-Artist in residence).

Brave as I Can Be

As your lips touch mine

I feel like I can love again

As you wrap your arms around me

My breath settles

The stars in the sky sing to me

As I ponder what tomorrow will bring

The trees stand tall for me

Be as brave as I can be

As ashes fall

And what yesterday was, fades

I give in, I give in

A fire

A passionate romance

As our bodies sway

In this life we take a chance

Fall, fall

Does the ground give way?

Copyright By Rebecca Wood

If interested in reproducing this poem or any part please contact Artwould at this work is owned by the creator but they will be contacted on your behalf.

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