Modern Beach Art Viewing and Painting Party


Indoor Beach Air Apt Art Gallery,, and Eco-art paint party


Indoor Beach Air Apt Art Gallery, and Eco-art paint party

Join Eco-Art therapist in her Life coaching practice to receive discounted healing art experiences and view her current pieces for sale in her portfolio. There will be light snacks and refreshments, with the options of BYOB and herbs to be used ceremonially.

What are Eco-Art Experiences?
Adapted from Eco-Art Therapy principles of nature-based art creation in which creatively nature is used as the subject, the setting, the material, or a combination of the three. The goal of my application of this approach in this context is to support a sense of love, peace, and belonging cultivated internally and externally throughout the art-making process.

What to expect?

The art Gallery is in my Apartment, where I hold spiritual-based Eco-art experience as an Artist in residence, Spiritual life coaching practice.

Events are held monthly, there is no refund on purchase, but I will allow an unused ticked to roll over to the next month once in case you cannot to make the event.


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